

Sustainability is a key concern for a manufacturing company. We recognise that our day to day activities impact on the environment in a number of ways and are committed to:

  1. Minimise the potentially harmful effects of such activities.
  2. Continually improving our environmental performance through a co-ordinated environmental management system.
  3. Setting environmental objectives and targets and monitoring the progress of subsequent actions.
  4. Promoting sustainable development through continual improvement.

We are using the following vehicles to help us achieve these commitments:

  1. We have attained the coveted ISO14001 environmental management system.
  2. We are active members of FISP demonstrating sustainable excellence.
  3. We are FSC®Chain of Custody certified to supply products from managed forests (FSC®C041433).
  4. We hold PEFC Chain of Custody certification to supply products from sustainable forests (PEFC/16-37-1032).
  5. We are Planet Mark certified. Our current measures are:
  • Location Based – 898.1 tCO2e, per employee 0 tCO2e
  • Market Based – 852.4 tCO2e, per employee 5 tCO2e
  • Emission Sources are Electricity, T&D losses, Natural Gas, Water, Fleet, Business Travel, Waste and Paper.
  1. We have pledged to the Race to Zero program, halving our carbon emissions by 2030 and hitting net-zero by 2050.  If you wish to view our current Carbon Reduction Plan please access here…
  2. If you wish to see our current Planet Mark certification please access it here…

In summary, Knightsbridge Furniture is committed to sustainability and taking action to minimise our environmental impact.