Sustainability is a key concern for a manufacturing company. We recognise that our day to day activities impact on the environment in a number of ways and are committed to:
- Minimise the potentially harmful effects of such activities.
- Continually improving our environmental performance through a co-ordinated environmental management system.
- Setting environmental objectives and targets and monitoring the progress of subsequent actions.
- Promoting sustainable development through continual improvement.
We are using the following vehicles to help us achieve these commitments:
- We have attained the coveted ISO14001 environmental management system.
- We are active members of FISP demonstrating sustainable excellence.
- We are FSC®Chain of Custody certified to supply products from managed forests (FSC®C041433).
- We hold PEFC Chain of Custody certification to supply products from sustainable forests (PEFC/16-37-1032).
- We are Planet Mark certified. Our current measures are:
- Location Based – 898.1 tCO2e, per employee 0 tCO2e
- Market Based – 852.4 tCO2e, per employee 5 tCO2e
- Emission Sources are Electricity, T&D losses, Natural Gas, Water, Fleet, Business Travel, Waste and Paper.
- We have pledged to the Race to Zero program, halving our carbon emissions by 2030 and hitting net-zero by 2050. If you wish to view our current Carbon Reduction Plan please access here…
- If you wish to see our current Planet Mark certification please access it here…
In summary, Knightsbridge Furniture is committed to sustainability and taking action to minimise our environmental impact.