Designing study spaces that inspire productivity

Posted On: February 4, 2025 Categorised in:

Study spaces in educational facilities play an incredibly vital role in the success of students. Therefore it is pivotal that these spaces are designed to perfection. There are several things that need to be considered when designing these spaces. Chiefly: the individual needs of students can differ, ensuring hygienic practices, and possibly most importantly, choosing comfortable furniture for those long study sessions. We explore some tips for designing a study space that helps to inspire productivity and enable students to succeed.

Prioritising personal space and removing distractions

Every student has different needs when it comes to learning. However, by ensuring that each individual has their own spacious area to work in, it allows the brain to breathe and feel in control of the work that needs to be done. Being surrounded by distractions and in an overcrowded room can often be overwhelming and has the potential to lower productivity.  Despite this, students still need to associate a study space with being a pleasant place to spend their time. As such it’s best to try and avoid isolating areas and dull tones on walls. Instead, try implementing bright colours and good lighting. Products like our Lucia collection are available in a range of colours which can help enhance your study space.

Hygienic standards

It is essential especially in schools and universities that hygiene is a top priority. Accordingly, study spaces must also match standards. It is also important that these spaces are kept in order, to help promote a clean space, clean mind motto. Despite this, it is very difficult to find chairs for these study spaces that are both comfortable for long study sessions and easy to clean. Ranges such as Shore, are a perfect example of a comfortable chair that prioritises good posture whilst being hygienic. 

Comfort is key

As discussed above, students often find themselves sitting for hours at time to complete assignments, revision etc. For that reason they need to be sat comfortably in order to focus on the task at hand. Because many study spaces have uncomfortable seating, students often choose to complete work from their beds or sofas, which is associated as a place to relax and sleep. A choice of seating that adversely affects their ability to concentrate and succeed. Products like our Bebop modular seating range is the perfect example of giving students a study space with comfortable chairs, giving them the tools they need to succeed.

Here at Knightsbridge Furniture, we have extensive knowledge and experience in designing furniture that meets the needs of the service user. Whether that is guests in a restaurant, patients in a hospital, or employees/students in a workplace. We have a whole host of different ranges that are perfect for creating the ideal study space, inspire creativity and help boost productivity. 


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